Overview 〜「生命」が成り立つ仕組みを「つくる」ことで紐解く〜
The cell maintains its life through the assembly and disassembly of various subcellular structures having unique biological functions from molecules. How do the tiny molecules recognize the vast intracellular space and self-organize into micrometer-scale structures at appropriate time and space to regulate cell functions? This is a fundamental but non-trivial question in biology. Our lab aims to understand the design principles that govern the self-organization of cell-scale ordered structures and biological functions from molecules. Using the cytoskeleton as a model system, we are exploring biochemical and physical conditions under which cytoskeletal structures and biological functions are reconstituted in artificial cells.
Background 〜分子から見た細胞内の世界とは?〜
The cell, the smallest unit of life, can be regarded as a dynamical system that self-organizes ordered structures from complex reaction networks of molecules. This phenomenon, namely, spontaneous assembly and disassembly of ordered structures from molecules at appropriate time and place, is the essential feature shared among all living organisms. For example, an animal cell changes its shape by creating and destroying polarized patterns of Rho and cytoskeletal networks. By doing so, the cell moves and divides, both of which are the essential features of living systems.
From a viewpoint of individual molecules, the “world of the cell” is huge. In contrast to the human world, the molecules can “communicate” with each other only through their local physical interactions. Even in such a situation, the molecules somehow recognize the vast intracellular space and self-organize into dynamical structures that are several orders of magnitude larger than the individuals to generate biological functions. What is the underlying mechanism? We believe that, by addressing this question, we can understand how the life is created from molecules.
If it is assumed that the size of each protein is as large as a human, the cell is comparable to the size of a mega city. In such a world, how do the molecules work together to create cell-scale ordered structures to generate biological functions?
Our strategy 〜分子から細胞を組み立てる、生きている細胞を自在に操る〜
Over decades, we have accumulated the knowledge by resolving protein structures and observing these dynamics in the cell, as well as identifying key molecules essential for biological functions. However, the mechanism how the life is created from molecules remains a great mystery.
Our lab is using a bottom-up approach to tackle this mystery: we disassemble living cells into small pieces and then combine a few pieces that are thought to be essential to the biological phenomenon of interest. Then, we are exploring biochemical and physical conditions in which ordered structures and the related biological functions are reconstituted in artificial cells. Furthermore, to verify that the mechanisms revealed by the reconstitution experiments do work in living cells, we are developing techniques to manipulate living cells. We believe that the strategy of creating and manipulating the cell is indispensable to deepen our understanding and uncover the remaining mystery of the cell.
If you want to know how a clock works, you will understand the mechanism in the process of disassembling and reassembling the clock. We want to apply the same idea to the cell to understand the molecular mechanisms.
Project 0. Development of new reconstitution technologies / 再構成技術の開発
New experimental technologies always open a new frontier in life science. In collaboration with scientists and engineers in different research fields, we are developing new reconstitution technologies, as well as trying to improve current methods for reconstructions. There are two directions in reconstitution studies: i) making sophisticated artificial cells that can mimic behaviors of living cells, or ii) simplifying or even idealizing living cells to test conditions far away from these of living cells. We think both approaches are important to determine the condition under which the life is emerged from molecules. As for the latter direction, we expect that in vitro reconstitution could lead unexpected discoveries because it enables us to manipulate biochemical and physical parameters over the range accessible by in vivo experiments.
アクチン及び細胞質抽出液を封入したリポソーム(上)と微小チャンバーに封入したアクチン(下) / Liposomes containing F-actin or cytoplasmic extracts (top), and Microfluidic chambers containing F-actin (bottom).
Project 1. Reconstitution of cytoskeletal dynamics and functions from minimal components / 最小構成要素による細胞骨格動態・機能の再構成
Using the cytoskeleton as a model system, we aim to understand how the molecules self-assemble into cell-scale ordered structures to regulate biological functions. The ultimate goal is building the structures or even building the cell from molecules, in which purified proteins are mixed and encapsulated into cell-sized capsules to explore the conditions under which the structures and functions observed in living cells are reproduced. If successful, it could determine the biochemical conditions (combination of proteins, concentration, etc.) and physical conditions (size and shape of the confined space, magnitude of force, etc.) essential for the biological phenomenon of interest.
収縮環の再構成 / Reconstitution of contractile ring.
Project 2. Reconstitution of cytoskeletal dynamics and functions from the cytoplasmic extracts / 細胞質抽出液を用いた細胞骨格動態・機能の再構成
Although a reconstituted system from purified proteins is a powerful tool for identifying the key molecules and physical conditions, it is unclear whether the mechanisms derived from in vitro experiments can be directly applied to living cells because of the complex interplay of protein-protein interactions and biochemical reaction networks in the cytoplasm. To bridge the gap between the simplest system reconstituted from minimal components and the complex system of living cells, we are using cytoplasmic extracts of frog eggs. This membrane-free system enables us not only to perturb molecular interactions by adding inhibitors or purified proteins but also to perform mechanical manipulations. By taking this advantage and with the help of mathematical modeling, we aim to understand physical principles of cytoskeletal dynamics in the complex cytoplasm.
細胞内配置制御の再構成 / Reconsitution of interacellular positioning.
細胞運動の再構成 / Reconstitution of cell motility.
Project 3. Manipulation of cytoskeletal dynamics and functions of living cells / 生細胞の細胞骨格動態・機能の自在操作
How can we verify that the mechanisms revealed by the reconstitution experiments are working in living cells? We believe that if we can manipulate biological functions of living cells as predicted by the mechanisms revealed by reconstruction experiments, we can prove that the mechanisms do work in living cells. To this end, we are developing a method to manipulate cytoskeletal dynamics and biological functions using optogenetics and other technologies.